Frequently Asked Questions - Tarot
How Does This Tarot Thing Work ?
Can the cards really tell me what is going to happen ?
I've got a problem. Will you and the Tarot Cards tell me what I should do?
Why do you ask for date of birth, where I live etc. ?
Why does my reading not seem to answer the question I asked ?
What is this 'Significator' card thing?
Different Tarot readers and books seem to have different meanings for some cards. Which is right?
Why would I want to learn about the Future; there's nothing I can do about it, is there?
All this is well and good, but I'm not sure if I believe in it.
I'm sure all this fortune telling is bunkum - what do you say to that, ,eh eh ?
There are two general sorts of theories of the Tarot. Whether one adopts one, the other (or both or neither or any other), depends on personal experiences.
1) There is the magical - that there is a current to life, that training and talent (or talent and training) can allow us to be more sensitive to that current, to discern in one way or another where a particular situation or person is trending.
In Tarot cartomancy, one technique assumes that the reader develops a link to his/her cards, and the ideas behind (or above) them.
Then if a client shuffles through the cards for a while, the life, the pattern of tha t person, in relation to that question, impresses itself on the cards temporarily, allowing the cards to display some of the history, choices and influences relevant to the question, and some idea of where these factors may lead).
(Yes, there is a slight hitch there, for doing email/internet readings as you and I can be on different continents - but there are ways around it - read ' Why do you ask for date of birth, where I live etc. ? '. )
2) The psychological/Jungian theory - That the Tarot is a very well illustrated 'Inkblot test' of important concepts and values, that constitute a covert course in universal morality and effective behaviours , and that doing a reading on a topic of importance makes us at least THINK about the subject, and about how those values and morality apply to our individual situation.
And that whether we decide the reading is 'acccurate' or not, the effort of considering those alternatives clarifies the issue and our thinking.
To some extent, however, the question of how the Tarot works is secondary. The real question, is does it work ?
Does it add to my enjoyment of my life, or my understanding of my world and my self ?
I know what the answer is for me.
But the only way you will really know for yourself is to give it a go - yes?
Tarot readings almost NEVER tell you an inevitable future, 'what is going to happen'. They can be a tool for exploring what MAY happen if things go on a certain way. You are in charge of the choices.
Basically, No.
Most Tarot readers, and certainly myself, are NOT telling you what you SHOULD do. The reading is for raising possibilities and options which YOU as the owner and sole controller of your own life should consider, then make your OWN choice.
Only you know your own life, and your own goals and priorities. So only you can ultimately decide what choices are right for you, or even what a reading 'really means'.
Running one's own life, and taking responsibility for one's own successes and failures can be a B**ch sometimes - but it beats the h*** out of the alternative, IMHO.
Times have changed, and we must change with them. In Tarot cartomancy, one technique assumes that the reader develops a link to his/her cards, and the ideas behind (or above) them.
Then if a client shuffles through the cards for a while, the life, the pattern of that person, in relation to that question, impresses itself on the cards temporarily, allowing the cards to display some of the history, choices and influences relevant to the question, and some idea of where these factors may lead).
However, in a web reading, you and I are usually many miles from each other. Such readings have been done for decades, by mail. The reader uses the handwritten message and signature to 'link' to the writer.
But there is no physical link in email contact.
So I request some information, just to strengthen the bond - it doesn't need to be detailed, or complete. So when I ask for a name, you can give a nickname, a 'handle' of what close family call you, and the same for location and the rest.
All this and the reading information is strictly confidential and will never be given to anyone else.
Occasionally this happens. Remember that though you ask a particular question of the Tarot, sometimes the cards answer the question you SHOULD have asked instead, particularly if there is some large issue pending. Be open to ideas.
If you request a reading, I will ask you to select a card to represent you . An honest choice there will make the reading a LOT easier.
In certain sorts of tarot readings , and especially in a 'long-distance' or email reading, it can be helpful to choose a card that represents you, the person who has come to the tarot reader for a reading.
This card is usually called the 'Significator' . This card can change over time, and possibly even change depending on the type of question asked (that's a little more rare - depends on the reader).
Seeking your significator can give benefits outside a Tarot Reading; it can be a process of self discovery, requiring you to think about your values and where you fit in to the Scheme of Things.
And where you fit into the Tarot. too. Each of the 4 suits have their own strengths, and their own potential vulnerabilities.
If you find a card with which you identify, the suit in which it stands, its relations to other cards, and the specific characteristics of the particular card, may add to your understanding of yourself and the world.
Which card you choose, and anything you choose to say at any time will be completely confidential. And the other protection - it's a BIG world, and the chances of my knowing or EVER meeting someone you know are vanishingly small anyway!
The methods and interpretations I or any Tarot Reader uses in their work are not THE way, but ONE way of knowing the Tarot. Different readers use different methods and interpretations, quite successfully, and we need to listen to each other, read widely etc. then find out what works for each of us.
Remember, the work done by a Tarot reader is more than just looking up a list of card meanings; it's about seeing patterns, using intuition and exercising judgement.
And you keep learning !
The result of a Tarot reading is what naturally follows from all the preceding influences and cards.
This is not 'the Future'; it is a possible future - if the questioner chooses to change any of the influences or choices described above, the result may very well be also changed.
H**l, changing the result is one of the reasons for reading Tarot - added insight into or selves and our beliefs and actions can CHANGE things, at least sometimes.
To believe else is to live the last night of the Titanic again and again - and the movie was bad enough !! (Three Hours ! - sorry, personal gripe)
Sceptics are very welcome; if you are not convinced of the Tarot's effectiveness but have an open mind, by all means, visit here, ask for a reading, and make your own mind up. (The Tarot is big on personal choice).
You are entitled to your opinion. But please, if you don't plan to at least act respectfully - by asking a legitimate question, being honest in any information you choose to provide, by remembering that the Tarot IS meaningful for many of us, etc., then please, don't waste your time and mine - time is a precious thing.
And just in case, as many believe, the Tarot is a link to the Universal, well, life's hard enough as it is, why would you want to go out of your way to possibly mock or mess with the All?
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